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10 ways to de-stress after loss:

Grief: What Helps When It Hurts

Grieving is a uniquely individual experience with neither a schedule nor timetable. Experts no longer look for universal stages, recognizing instead that individuals grieve in their own way.

Below is a list of 10 ways to manage and cope with the loss.

1: Do not stifle your emotions:

If you want to cry allow yourself a good cry.

2: Write down your thoughts and feelings:

The act of writing down your thoughts and feelings helps you to process.

3: Call someone:

Talking to someone that you trust can do wonders for your stress level.

Talking to Coach can go a long way in reconnecting with the parts of your life that once made you happy.

4: Listen to music:

Music is the universal language. It has the capability of being cathartic.

5: Meditating:

This is a practice that has been done for thousands of years, and can bring balance

and inner peace into your life.

6: Sleep:

Sleep can be a great escape.

7: Movement:

This can be dancing walking or exercising.

Emotions are thoughts in motion and movement allows the body to release stagnant energy.

8: Watch a movie:

Watching a funny movie or video can appease the saddest heart. Remember laughter is medicine to the bones.

9: Faith:

Whatever your beliefs are call on that. Prayer can sometimes allow you to know that you are not alone.

10: Be kind to yourself:

Last but not least, pampering yourself at this time is crucial. Hot salts bath with candles. A deep tissue massage to release all the stagnant energy.

Allow yourself to grieve. Allow yourself to feel whatever you feel.

Exercise great compassion for yourself. Healing takes time and patience. :

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